Best LLC Services  

What Makes The Best LLC Service?

With all of the different LLC filing services out there it can be kinda difficult to select the best one based on your individual needs.

Check out our handy guide below to know what to look for when selecting the best LLC service!


Price is often the first thing most people look at. For good reason. Who wants to spend more than they have to? Because of stiff market competition, the price to file an LLC is much lower today than it has ever been before. Make sure when choosing a filing company you ask what the total price will be OUT THE DOOR. Most services will sucker you in with teaser pricing then hit you with a much higher than expected total after you have already given them all of your information. The best LLC services will give you upfront pricing. Make sure you ask what the total will be from the beginning so there will be no surprises later on.

How Long Will Your LLC Take?

Different LLC filing companies move at different speeds. You might call 3 or 4 different LLC filing companies and they will all give you different turnaround times to get your LLC filed and back in your hands. Most LLC filing companies will charge extra to get your LLC back faster. Typically, this just means they will get on your LLC order either today or in 2 weeks. Example: We called a VERY well known LLC filing company and asked them how long to get an LLC in the state of Missouri. they gave us 3 different filing times ranging from 4 days to 30 days. The 4 day filing time being $200 extra! We know it only takes about an hour to get an LLC in Missouri. This means they sit on your order for weeks unless you pay extra! So beware!

What Services Are Included – And What Aren’t….

There might be other services you will need to go along with your LLC. Most likely, you will want an EIN number. (Its kinda like the SSN for your LLC) Most services will charge extra for this – which is fine. Don’t pay too much for an EIN. It takes minutes to get one and there is no cost to obtain one.  Most companies charge anywhere from $50-$100 for an EIN number. We charge $30. Beware of paying too much for little things you might need. Also, beware of paying for things that you don’t….


Registered Agent Service

A registered agent is a state requirement for all LLCs. The registered agent accepts all state mail and service of process. This person must be over 18 and have an address within the state of formation. What does that mean? It means your registered agent can be almost anyone. Even you! What most companies will not tell you is you can be your LLC’s registered agent for free. Be sure to ask whichever LLC filing company you speak with if you can be the registered agent. Chances are, if you don’t, they will automatically insert themselves as the agent and charge you about $150 per year, every year…. Most LLC filing companies do this. Be sure you insist on being your agent. Why pay a company $150 per year to get the mail for you? 



Final Thoughts

So, what makes the best LLC service? It’s a combination of all of the above. Call around and see who will give you the best filing turnaround time, price, and other required services that will fit your business needs. Obviously, we are so we are going to say give us a try! We only charge $39 plus state fees and have the fastest turn around time period! Give us a shot and you will be impressed!


All of Our $39 LLC and Corporation Packages Include:

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Lowest priced LLC Filing is a document filing service which is not staffed by attorneys, and thus does not provide legal advice of any kind. Additionally, the information contained on this website is strictly for informational purposes and moreover is not intended to provide, substitute, supplement or serve any legal purpose. Additionally, should you require legal advice or if you are uncertain about any information contained on this site, please contact a licensed attorney. Finally, We thank you for considering for your filing needs.

CONTACT US is the legal document filing industry’s low price leader! Additionally, feel free to shop around! When you are ready to order or have a question for our highly experienced staff, give us a call. Furthermore, Our knowledgeable representatives will make ordering easy.

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  • Diamond Bar CA 91765