Federal Employer Number
A Federal Employer Identification Number (Also known as an EIN or Tax ID number) is a distinct number the IRS assigns to your entity that acts as your corporation or LLC’s social security number. This number is required in order to pay taxes, open a business bank account, apply for a business loan/credit, or to pay employees.
Let AAAFiling.com organize your LLC’s important documents including you articles of formation and membership certificates!
Our LLC kit includes the following:
- 3 Ring Padded Binder with your new LLC’s name on spine.
- Alligator look alike slip case.
- Company Seal with pouch (pocket model).
- 21 Customized Membership Certificates with your new LLC’s name.
- Membership Roll.
- Checklist, Instructions and worksheets.
- 8 Tab Dividers.
- Customized Minutes with your new LLC’s name.
- Customized Operating Agreement or Regulations with your new LLC’s name.
- Customized Agreements and Plans with your new LLC’s name.
- Waiver of Notice and Minutes of Annual Meeting of Members.
- Minutes of Special Member’s Meeting.
- Notice of Annual Meeting of Members.
- Manager(s) Resignation.
- Notice of Special Meeting of Members.
- Resolution granting Power of Attorney.
- Special Power of Attorney.
- Proxy.
- Independent Contractor Agreement.
- Employment Agreement.
- Banking Statement.
- Cafeteria Plan.
- Cafeteria Plan Employee Benefit Election.
- Written statement organizing Limited Liability Company.
- Consent of Member(s) to Election of Initial Manager(s).
- Consent of Member(s) to Election of Managing Member(s).
- Election of Manager(s).
- Election of Managing Member(s).
- Member(s) promise to contribute capital.
- Limited Liability Company Indemnification Plan