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Check out our awesome video all about how gets your Ohio LLC or Corporation filed fast and easy!
Cheap LLC Ohio Filing Online.
Need your LLC In Ohio Cheap? We offer the lowest prices online with unmatched customer service! Take a look at the price charts below to get started.
Check out our awesome video all about how gets your Ohio LLC or Corporation filed fast and easy! is a document filing service which is not staffed by attorneys, and thus does not provide legal advice of any kind. Additionally, the information contained on this website is strictly for informational purposes and moreover is not intended to provide, substitute, supplement or serve any legal purpose. Additionally, when starting a business should you require legal advice or if you are uncertain about any information contained on this site, please contact a licensed attorney. Finally, We thank you for considering for your filing needs. is the legal document filing industry’s low price leader! Additionally, feel free to shop around! When you are ready to order or have a question for our highly experienced staff, give us a call. Furthermore, Our knowledgeable representatives will make ordering easy.
want to learn more? Check out his link to the Ohio corporations division here
Sounds good to us. Ohio can be an excellent state to creat your new LLC. The state fee is only $100 and he turn around time to get your LLC documents back from the state is very quick. Since the expedited LLC orders only take about 2-3 days you wont have to wait too long.
One of the only drawbacks to filing an LLC in Ohio is the income tax rate for self employed individuals can be as high and 15 percent. Most states are considerably lower. However, it does have a lot less red tape to deal with. Much lower than states like California or New York.
Finally, We really enjoy starting LLCs in Ohio because of the combination of a fast filing time and the low state price. It makes our customers happy because they got what they need for their new business and it didn’t cost an arm and leg.