Incorporation and LLC Filing Made Easy!
Filing your LLC in the state of Colorado is a great idea! We have put together a handy guide to show you all the ins and outs of filing your new business in Colorado.
You really don’t need too much for us to file your new LLC. We will need some general information like your address, phone number, the name of your new LLC. Things of that nature. Nothing too invasive!
The state of Colorado does not take too long to get your new LLC filed. typically you should have your new LLC filed and in your email box within a week. If you are in a hurry we can expedite the order and have it for you in a few hours! Typical filing times are listed below:
Regular Filing Time: 3-5 Days
Expedited Filing Time: 1-2 Days
Super Expedited Filing Time: 1-5 Hours
Of course filing times may vary. Certain times of the year may have shorter or longer wait times depending on how busy the Secretary of State’s office is. The busiest times when the wait time is the longest is generally between November and April. During that time period, you may have to wait a few extra days for your LLC to come back filed. However the rest of the year will experience a shorter wait time!
The state filing fees in Colorado are some of the lowest in the country. The state fee for a new LLC is only $50.00.
If you would like us to file your Colorado LLC for you our pricing breakdown is as follows:
$50.00 – Colorado State Filing Fees
$39.00 – Document Preparation Fee
$9.00 – Expedited Priority Shipping
$98.00 – Total Cost to File Your LLC in Colorado
If you are still looking for more information about filing your LLC in Colorado, you can always give us a call at 877.300.7147. We love answering question and since we have been filing LLCs and corporations since 2007 we are very knowledgeable.
If you would like to do a little more of your own research about your Colorado LLC filing; you can even check out the Colorado Secretary of State website by clicking the link below! We hope this guide was helpful and made your life a little easier. Good luck and have fun!